NFC vs RFID vs BLE: In Terms of Physical Security
Since the development of new communication standards like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Near Field Communication (NFC), there’s been a lot of debate throughout the physical access control space on which one delivers the most bang for your buck. Additionally, with long-standing protocols like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), the discussion then leads into a “if […]
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How it’s Made: Smart Cabinetry Pt 3
In our last blog post, we took an in-depth look at the hardware and embedded processes behind Mohammad’s SmartCabinet. “When I started the project, my deadline was the senior design fair, roughly 5 months out. Looking at the scope of work and time it would take to put it all together, I thought the project […]
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How it’s Made: Smart Cabinetry- Powered by UniKey Pt 2
A few weeks ago we sat down with Mohammad Hammad, our test engineering intern turned full-time engineer at UniKey Technologies. Mohammad filled us in on all the aspects of how rigorous and time consuming a senior design project for UCF’s College of Engineering and Computer Science can be. The weeks leading up to the final Smart […]
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How it’s Made: Smart Cabinetry
The Ideation One of UniKey’s greatest assets is its employment of some of the most talented students at the University of Central Florida. While working as a test engineering intern at UniKey, Mohammad Hammad, was also wrapping up his last year of UCF’s Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) Program. This is the year a lot of […]
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Roy Johnson on ISC West 2018
As a majority of you already know, last week’s ISC West was a big success with over 30,000+ security professionals making their way to the Sands Expo for a look at the latest security trends and technology. UniKey was lucky enough to have a few members of our Senior Leadership team attend the show and […]
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ISC West: What’s Next in Security?
Next week thousands of security companies and experts will be making their way to Las Vegas’ Sands Expo for ISC West 2018. At last year’s ISC West all eyes were on video surveillance and biometrics, however, this year several different security technologies will compete for showgoers’ attention. Below, we have a list of just a few […]
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Build vs Buy: 6 Reasons Why You Should BUY vs Build A Mobile Key Access Control Platform
Whether you’re a startup or a company that has long been in the physical access control space, the question: ‘Do you Build or Buy?’ holds the same amount of weight for organizations that are looking to incorporate mobile access control technology into their portfolio of solutions. Today, with the rapid developments in technology, standards, and […]
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Topic: Women in Tech for International Women’s Day (Podcast)
Today, we’re releasing our very first podcast on the topic of Women in Tech. In honor of International Women’s Day, UniKey’s Marketing Coordinator, Sofia Burton, sat down with two incredible women in the tech industry to discuss their experiences, how they arrived at their current positions, and advice they have for future generations. For Connie […]
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Choosing the Right Mobile Key Partner
When you’re looking to integrate mobile access control solutions into your legacy PACS products, you want to do your homework before choosing the right system and partner. The primary focus for any valuable mobile access control supplier should always be on their diligent implementation of the latest security standards and methods of encryption. However, there […]
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Connected Cars: An Update
It’s hard to believe that since we posted this article a little over a year ago, there has been such a high level of advancement and change throughout the automotive industry. Tesla, which seemed to be at the forefront of the self-driving vehicle industry is now sharing the spotlight with car manufacturers like GM, Ford, and Volvo, […]
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